Positive drive and negative drive : explanation
Friends today we are going to learn about positive drive and negative drive. As you know that we learn about automotive engineering so here we talking about gear drive.
Positive drive and negative drive :-
In automotive mechanical field every assembly and parts have many gears for transmit the incoming power to ahead.
But you know we can't allow transmit the power in same as incoming ratio. Some where we have to reduce the incoming drive and transmit but some where we have to step-up the incoming drive and transmit.
During transmit the drive and doing step-up or step-down some drive or power experience loss. According to this loss we decided that the drive is positive and negative drive in every assembly.
Positive drive :-
There is never experience any slippage between drive gear and driven gear while transmit power or drive, this drive is known as positive drive.
positive drive and negative drive
Negative drive :-
Experience some slippage between drive gear and driven gear while transmit the drive. In other words the drive gear do not transmit 100% drive to driven gear, this drive is known as negative drive.