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Properties of good fuel

Properties of good fuel, characteristics of good fuel


There are many properties of good fuel these are mention below:-

1. Flash Point:-

A specific temperature on it if give a small fire to fuel than fuel caught flame for few seconds and leave it like a flash this temperature known as flash point. 

Properties of good fuel

2. Flame Point:-

On a specific temperature the fuel caught fire continues if we give it fire this temperature is known as flame point. 

Properties of good fuel

3. Volatility:-

On a specific temperature the fuel has to starts convert into the vapours, the capabilities of fuel is converting into the vapour is known as volatility.

Properties of good fuel

4. Cloud Point:-

On a specific temperature inside the fuel there automatic start producing the peace of ice, this is known as crystallization and also known as cloud point.

Properties of good fuel

5. Freezing point:-

The specific temperature on it fuel stops flow and convert into ice. The fuel is freez completely this temperature known as freezing point.

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