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Center tyre inflation system (CTIS)

Center tyre inflation system CTIS Super ALS 8X8 : construction and working

Center tyre inflation system is improve the vehicle mobile capabilities and working efficiency according to all terrain like desert, snow, cross county area, on highway and soft mud or send.

Center tyre inflation system is increase and decrease the air pressure from tyres according to terrain. The center tyre inflation system is mostly used into the all wheel drive vehicle that's why it widely used in Army vehicles.


Construction and working of center tyre inflation system :-

Center tyre inflation system have a control penal which is fitted inside the driver compartment. The control penal of center tyre inflation system have some switches like on / off switch and some for selection switch according to terrain lime sand / snow, cross country, highway and kneeling. After pish the kneeling switch the center tyre inflation system has only filled air into the tyre which required most.

Center tyre inflation system CTIS

The center tyre inflation system have a tyre pressure monitor device which monitor the air pressure of the tyre and sends signal to the digital control penal and show the pressure on the penal. After that this device starting works as per selected switch filled or released air pressure from tyres.

The center tyre inflation system have seperate air pipe line for the system. The center tyre inflation system have air pressure valve which control on air flow and have sensors for sense the air pressure of the tyre and sends signal to the tyre pressure monitor device.


Advantage of center tyre inflation system :-

1. Improve the vehicle mobile capability. 

2. Improve the vehicle working efficiency. 

3. Increase the fuel efficiency. 

4. Control on wear of tyres. 

5. Filled air pressure into the tyres while vehicle moving. 

6. Automated control system that's why it always keeps observe the tyre pressure. 

7. Widely used in all wheel drive but compatible for two wheel drive also.

8. Quick response.

Disadvantage of center tyre inflation system :-

1. Maintenance is costly and critical. 

2. Nozzle blockage problem.

3. Air leakage problem.

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